Friday Fix: Episode 86

Mindfulness has become a common “buzzword,” but a lot of people aren’t really sure what it means or how to practice it. Mindfulness is about learning how to live in the present moment. That’s hard to do in today’s world, though. So often, we miss out on things because our minds are wandering. We don’t pay attention to someone talking to us because we’re thinking about all those things on our to-do list. Or we miss what’s going on in our kids’ basketball games because we’re so worried about whether we offended someone in a conversation we had yesterday. The list of distractions is endless.  Not only might that help us feel better, but it may also have a great positive impact on our relationships.  It takes practice to get there, though. And in today’s Friday Fix, I share four simple strategies to help you start practicing mindfulness right now. 

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