Many people raised in alcoholic homes must address the repercussions of their upbringings throughout their adult life, especially in their careers, relationships, and decision-making processes.The list of books that follow offer insight into the characteristics that adult children of alcoholics typically develop as well as practical advice for learning how to make better decisions to lead healthier lives. You can now purchase a complete collection of Dr. Jan’s groundbreaking books in one volume: The Complete ACOA Sourcebook: Adult Children of Alcoholics at Home, at Work and in Love. Price at time of publication: $18 Children may be discouraged from discussing the emotional, sexual, or physical abuse they suffered at the hands of a family member. Books such as this can help children of alcoholics learn to stop hiding issues and seek support and help. Price at time of publication: $14 Price at time of publication: $14 The book contains examples and exercises to help readers practice their newly learned skills. Twenty-five years after it was first published this book is still relevant to those who grew up in dysfunctional homes. Price at time of publication: $13 Price at time of publication: $17 Price at time of publication: $11 Price at time of publication: $17

Expert tips

With a topic as serious as this one, you’ll want to make sure the information provided is well-researched by reputable expert sources. Take the time to research authors and vet their credentials before purchasing a book. This way, you can know you’re getting solid advice and information from someone qualified to cover the subject at hand. 

Relatable experiences

Finally, you likely won’t be surprised to hear that it can be especially helpful to read relatable experiences from people who have walked a similar path to yours. This can be quoted stories from individuals interviewed for the book or anonymous anecdotes recounted by the experts. Whatever the case, these examples can help you see that you are most certainly not alone, and there is a light at the tunnel of this emotional journey. You may find yourself drawn to other people navigating their own emotional issues and find yourself neglecting your mental wellbeing in your attempts to help them. And lastly, you may find yourself falling into the same unhealthy patterns as your parent and struggle with seeking out help. The above books can help you identify and tackle these challenges as well.