Fun stress relievers can be a form of self-care that you look forward to incorporating into your weekly or even daily routine. For those of us who like a little fun with our stress management, we’ve compiled a list of fun stress relievers along with explanations of their additional benefits. Enjoy! Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts One study found that strategy board games like chess helped older adults with cognitive function—improving their attention and memory. Strategy board games can also have a positive effect on anxiety and the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Other strategy board games include checkers, Monopoly, and Scrabble. Because these games can also help improve communication and motivation for learning, they’re great for adults and kids alike. Another study found that casually playing video games helped college students manage stress levels and reduce anxiety. The games also provided them with a distraction that helped with the uncertainty they felt about the future. Learn more about what you find funny by watching funny movies or stand-up comedy, and looking up funny videos or memes online. While it’s great to share a laugh with a loved one, don’t shy away from having a good laugh all by yourself for all the stress-relieving benefits. Finding humor in everyday situations is also an adaptive coping mechanism—especially when it comes to helping you through a stressful situation. Research finds that having a good laugh can even help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Research shows that having contact with nature every day can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Coloring is an artistic endeavor that has grown popular in recent years and can have stress-relieving benefits. One study found that participants who engaged in visual art-making experienced more relaxation, a desire to create more art in the future, and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. You can try an adult coloring book, or you can do your own thing and experiment with different mediums like painting on a canvas or using clay to make a sculpture. Try not to worry whether your art is “good enough.” You don’t have to be a professional to make art. In fact, you may surprise yourself with how much you enjoy the process and even the finished products. As a stress reliever, listening to music provides a distraction and gives inspiration. It can help you get energized for the day ahead or wind down after a long day. You can use it during your commute or while exercising—really any time as you go about your daily activities. Some communities have recreational leagues for sports like kickball and softball. The goal of these leagues is usually for people to socialize and even network, with the added bonus of having fun. Whatever sport you choose doesn’t have to be competitive or even strenuous. As long as you are happy doing it, you will receive all the stress-relieving benefits. If you find yourself longing for a vacation but don’t have the time or the funds to go on the trip you desire, you can still treat yourself to a stress-relieving mini-vacation and get similar benefits without spending as much. You can even use imagery and visualization as a fun way to “be on vacation.” Set aside some moments to visualize yourself in a beautiful location, such as relaxing on the beach or hiking through the mountains. Visualization is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety and boost feelings of well-being.