How to Implement Mindfulness Meditation

Choose a quiet place and time to practice your meditation. You might also wish to set a timer to signal the end of your meditation; anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes is a typical length for practice. If you would prefer to listen to the script, you could also consider recording yourself reading the passage below and then play it back to yourself through headphones.

How to Manage Your Thoughts

While meditating, make a note of your thoughts or feelings and what they are. Maybe you worried about an upcoming social event or thought about a conversation that didn’t go so well. If a negative thought or feeling grabs your attention, make a note of it and then return to focusing on your breath. It’s natural for your mind to wander to your social and performance fears, but try not to be critical of yourself. Notice the thought or feeling, but don’t follow it, and don’t let your mind pursue it. Recognize that it’s simply a thought: it’s what your mind does. You can notice it and then let it go. Picture yourself at the beach, lying on the warm sand. A refreshing breeze blows in and you feel relaxed. Imagine your thoughts and feelings are like the wind blowing or the waves rolling, and continue with your breathing, letting everything become the wind and the waves. Feel how the waves come and go. Remain calm, and let your thoughts move and change. Breathe. Relax and let the thoughts and feelings gradually dissolve. Resistance will make the distress stay, while acceptance will allow the negativity to dissipate. Remember that you will always experience some anxiety; it’s impossible for it to completely disappear. Instead of resisting, learn to welcome your thoughts and feelings, accept them, and then feel how they float away. When you do find yourself in a moment of happiness during your day, grab hold of it, keeping the feeling in your awareness. Count to 15 seconds, allowing your brain to start establishing and strengthening new pathways. Gradually, when you are ready, bring your attention slowly back to your breath. Then, move to your body and your surroundings. Move gently, open your eyes, and stretch.