Origins of the Theory

Harvard psychiatrists J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley first proposed their theory in 1977, suggesting that dreaming results from the brain’s attempt to make sense of neural activity that takes place during sleep. Even when you are sleeping, your brain is active. Hobson and McCarley suggested that during sleep, activity in some of the lower levels of the brain that are primarily responsible for basic biological processes are then interpreted by the parts of the brain responsible for higher-order functions such as thinking and processing information.

The Sleeping Brain

The activation-synthesis model suggests that dreams are caused by the physiological processes of the brain. While people used to believe that sleeping and dreaming was a passive process, researchers now know that the brain is anything but quiet during sleep. So what sort of things are happening in the sleeping brain? A wide variety of neural activity takes place as we slumber.

Brain Activity Plays a Role in Dreaming

How does brain activity during sleep lead to dreaming?

According to Hobson and other researchers, circuits in the brain stem are activated during REM sleep. Once these circuits are activated, areas of the limbic system involved in emotions, sensations, and memories, including the amygdala and hippocampus, become active. The brain synthesizes and interprets this internal activity and attempts to create meaning from these signals, which results in dreaming.

Common Characteristics of Dreams

Hobson also suggested that there are five key characteristics of dreams. Dreams tend to contain illogical content, intense emotions, acceptance of strange content, strange sensory experiences, and difficulty remembering dream content.

Key Things to Remember

To summarize, the activation-synthesis theory essentially made three key assumptions: So why does the brain try to make meaning from these random signals that take place during sleep?

Reaction to the Theory

The initial publication of their research stirred up considerable controversy, particularly among Freudian analysts. Because many dream researchers and therapists invest considerable time and effort trying to understand the underlying meaning of dreams, the suggestion that dreams were simply the brain’s way of making sense of activity during sleep did not sit well with many.

Are Dreams Meaningless?

While the activation-synthesis model of dreaming relies on physiological processes to explain dreaming, it does not imply that dreams are meaningless. According to Hobson, “Dreaming may be our most creative conscious state, one in which the chaotic, spontaneous recombination of cognitive elements produces novel configurations of information: new ideas. While many or even most of these ideas may be nonsensical, if even a few of its fanciful products are truly useful, our dream time will not have been wasted.”

The AIM Model of Dreaming

Thanks to modern advances in brain imaging and the ability to monitor brain activity, researchers now understand more about the sleep-wake cycle, the different stages of sleep, and the different states of consciousness. This newer model tries to capture what happens in the brain-mind space as consciousness changes through waking, non-REM, and REM sleep states.

A Word From Verywell

The reasons and meanings behind dreaming have fascinated philosophers and researchers for centuries. Activation-synthesis theory added an important dimension to our understanding of why we dream and stressed the importance of neural activity during sleep. As new technology emerges for studying the brain and sleep processes, researchers will continue to make new advances in our understanding of why we dream, in knowledge regarding states of consciousness, and in comprehending the possible meaning behind our dreams.