—Erin, 29 And it wasn’t all that hard to ask a fellow third-grader if they wanted to play with you at recess. You had the time, the tools, and opportunities to have fun together—which is an easy way to establish natural friendships. But, as an adult, you have to put in a lot more effort to find people to spend time with. And you might not have a lot in common with the people you encounter. Or, they might be in a different stage of life, which may make friendships a little more difficult.  You might need to be a little more strategic about making friends these days. 

Reach Into Your Existing Network

When it comes to making friends, you might not necessarily need to start from scratch. There may be some people in your existing network that can go from acquaintance to friend fairly easily. Would you like to talk to some of your co-workers outside of regular Zoom meetings? If there is someone that you could imagine being friends with, you might reach out to them. Let them know you’re feeling a little disconnected from the world now that you’re working remotely, and you’d love to see them face-to-face. Perhaps you could invite them for coffee. You might find that your co-workers are feeling lonely as well. And they may appreciate some human interaction. Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts Of course, meeting up with co-workers outside the office does have a few risks. Depending on your line of work, it’s also possible that friendships with your co-workers might cause some sticky situations. What if you have to evaluate your friend’s performance? Or what if your co-worker tells you they’ve been drinking on the job? Sometimes, it’s also tough to cross over from “colleague” to “real friend.” You might find your co-workers want to stick to talking about work only—which is their choice. But, it’s a clear sign that they want to have a professional relationship only, not a real friendship.  In addition to becoming friends with co-workers, you might also tap into your existing network by reaching out to an old friend or two. Perhaps you’ve lost contact with your college roommate, or you’ve drifted apart from a neighbor you used to talk to often. Send a text message or contact them on social media to say hello. You may be able to strike up a conversation that inspires you to start talking more often again. Sometimes it’s easier to rekindle an old friendship rather than start a new one.

Get Out and Get Involved

Get out of the house and get involved in some activities that will allow you to meet people in your community. You might join an organization, volunteer, attend religious services, or take a class. You might look for websites that create meetup opportunities for people with similar interests. Whether you enjoy playing board games or you want to join a book club, there are usually plenty of groups out there. You might even do some fun things on your own. Go hiking, visit a museum, or explore a different part of your city. You might find getting out helps you feel better, and you never know who you might run into along the way.

Just Don’t Act Desperate

Sometimes, people who want to make friends become a little too aggressive in social situations. Consequently, their attempts to attract friends wind up repelling people. So make sure you don’t come across as desperate. Telling someone how lonely and isolated you feel within two minutes of saying hello might send them running in the other direction. Don’t act like someone you’re not, either. If you don’t like sushi, say so. And if you don’t love the beach, don’t go to the beach just to make someone happy. The goal is to create lasting friendships. And even though making new friends can feel a little more complicated as an adult, the simple advice you likely heard as a kid can still apply. The best way to make a friend is to be a friend. So, smile at people, treat them with kindness and be generous.