Folks experiencing this disorder tend to receive their diagnosis as young adults, though it isn’t unheard of for children and folks later in life to get diagnosed.  Those experiencing this disorder are subject to judgments from others. Many believe that those experiencing binge eating disorder are simply making a lifestyle choice. It is essential to clear up this stigma, as this can help decrease barriers to those suffering from receiving care. The first step in fighting stigma is knowledge. This article will explore the symptoms, complications, comorbidities, and treatment for binge eating disorder. It will also address some frequently asked questions to dispel any misinformation.

Signs & Symptoms

Binge eating disorder is a challenging condition where folks experience episodes of eating extremely large amounts of food, often accompanied by a feeling of being out of control. Binge eating disorder is different than other eating disorders like anorexia nervosa binge/purge subtype and bulimia in that the episodes of binge eating are not followed by purging.  For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Spotting the signs of binge eating is the first step to getting help. Common symptoms include:

Consistent and recurring episodes of binge eating, characterized by a lack of control during the eating and the consumption of amounts of food much larger than what is needed for sustenance  Emotional distress experienced during and following a binge eating episode Eating very quickly during an episode Continuing to eat despite feeling uncomfortably full Engaging in binge eating even when you don’t have an appetite Eating alone out of embarrassment, shame, or guilt Self-loathing and disgust after a binge-eating episode

It is also important to note that a binge eating disorder diagnosis requires episodes occurring at least every week for a minimum of three months.  When a mental health professional is assessing for binge eating disorder, they will rule out anorexia and bulimia as alternative diagnoses. It is also crucial that anxiety disorder and any mood disorder such as bipolar or depression are ruled out. For example, some folks experiencing anxiety may turn to food for comfort during distress. But if this isn’t a weekly occurrence, this behavior will not meet the criteria for binge eating disorder. Additionally, if binge eating episodes occur during a depressive episode, they may not meet the criteria for binge eating disorder, depending on the frequency of occurrence.  Even if you don’t meet the criteria for binge eating disorder, however, help is still available.

Complications & Comorbidities

Not everyone with binge eating disorder will experience obesity; many individuals may even be within the normal weight range. However, it is also very common for those diagnosed with binge eating disorder to also experience obesity. This comorbidity can lead to physical complications. The first set of complications that can arise is physical pain. Muscle pain isn’t uncommon, as well as pain throughout the neck and shoulders. Some may also experience back pain. Osteoarthritis (i.e., a form of arthritis) can develop as a result of binge eating disorder and obesity occurring at the same time.   Other illnesses that can develop over time include hypertension, diabetes, asthma, coronary artery disease, or heart failure. In addition, period irregularities can develop over time for women experiencing binge eating disorder and obesity.  It is very rare for binge eating disorder to develop into a diagnosis of anorexia or bulimia. However, substance abuse and symptoms of depression can form as a result of binge eating disorder.