Here is what you can expect if you stop taking cocaine and go into cocaine withdrawal.


If you have become dependent or addicted to cocaine, you are likely to experience some withdrawal symptoms when you quit, and these symptoms can become more severe after heavy use. One way of understanding why cocaine users experience withdrawal is that it’s like taking out a loan of some good feelings while you are high, but then when it is time to repay the debt of those same feelings, you feel much worse during the “crash” of withdrawal. This is called a rebound effect and is part of your body’s way of maintaining homeostasis.

Signs & Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

Everyone’s experience with cocaine withdrawal is different, but there are certain common symptoms that are typical of the withdrawal experience.

Cocaine Cravings

Most people who are withdrawing from cocaine feel a strong desire to take more cocaine. These feelings are known as cravings and are common among people withdrawing from many addictive substances. Cravings are driven by the wish to reduce the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal as well as the desire to re-experience the pleasure of the cocaine high.

Mood Changes

Feeling depressed, anxious, or irritable is a normal part of cocaine withdrawal. Although these feelings are often intense during cocaine withdrawal, they tend to pass once the withdrawal stage is over.


Feeling very tired is a normal part of cocaine withdrawal. In addition to the exhaustion that you naturally feel after the stimulating effects of cocaine, you may have tired yourself out through lack of sleep and energetic activity while you were high on cocaine.

Sleep Problems

One of the frustrations that people can have during cocaine withdrawal is difficulty sleeping. Despite the tiredness, cocaine withdrawal often causes sleep problems, such as vivid and unpleasant dreams, insomnia (having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep) or hypersomnia (too much sleep).

Increased Appetite

Increased appetite is a recognized aspect of cocaine withdrawal, and may be exacerbated by not eating properly while you were high on cocaine. However, it is important to support your recovery through eating a healthy diet, and small, manageable amounts, rather than bingeing.

Physical Slowing or Agitation

People going through cocaine withdrawal often experience a kind of physical slowing down, called psychomotor retardation, or conversely, they can feel physically agitated.

Coping With Cocaine Withdrawal

While there are no FDA-approved medications to help reduce the effects of cocaine withdrawal, there are self-care strategies you can use to find some relief.

Detox from the drug. This is a process that can vary depending on how much and how long you have been taking the drug. Compared to some other types of drugs, the cocaine detox process is relatively short, but it can often be intense. Seek social support. The most important thing to do during this time is to get support from people who understand what you are going through, whether that includes loved ones or medical professionals.Practice regular self-care. As you are going through the detox and withdrawal process, focus on taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Healthy habits like getting regular exercise, eating nutritious food, and getting enough sleep can be a good jump-start toward feeling better. 


Detoxing on your own at home can present risks if your withdrawal symptoms become severe. While cocaine withdrawal is generally safe, medically-supervised detox may sometimes be necessary. Side effects of withdrawal can sometimes result in severe depression, paranoia, psychosis, or suicidal thoughts. People who are experiencing severe cocaine withdrawal symptoms need inpatient treatment or hospitalization as they go through the detox process. Remember that you do not need to go through this alone. Talk to your healthcare provider if you feel that you need extra support during this time either through residential or outpatient treatment. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Addiction professionals can offer evidence-based treatment options that will help you develop to overcome drug cravings and prevent future relapses.

Long-Term Treatment for Cocaine Withdrawal

While the first phase of cocaine withdrawal, often referred to as “the crash,” typically passes within a few days, people usually continue to experience withdrawal symptoms that include cravings, irritability, and low energy levels for several weeks. Long-term treatment for cocaine addiction usually focuses on individual counseling that incorporates behavioral therapy. People learn new skills that will help them fight drug cravings and change underlying thoughts and behaviors that might contribute to drug use. 

Contingency Management

Contingency management is one treatment option that utilizes motivational incentives to encourage people to abstain from drugs such as cocaine. In exchange for clean drug tests, people can earn vouchers that can be used for items that help encourage healthy choices (such as gym memberships, dinners at local restaurants, etc.).

Cognitive-Behavioral therapy (CBT)

Particularly when used in conjunction with other treatments, CBT can be effective for supporting long-term abstinence and relapse prevention.


Online and community-based recovery groups can also be helpful during cocaine withdrawal and addiction treatment. Cocaine Anonymous is one such group that utilizes a 12-step approach to achieving and maintaining abstinence over the long-term.

A Word From Verywell

Cocaine withdrawal can be difficult, but overcoming drug use is possible. Having a support system that includes friends, family, medical professionals, and treatment resources can help you cope with this challenging phase of your recovery.