Types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Numerous research studies have established that there are distinct types of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. The most common include:

Obsessions to do with symmetry and repeating and counting, and ordering compulsions Hoarding obsessions and compulsions Contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions Aggressive obsessions and checking compulsions Sexual/religious obsessions and related compulsions

While it is certainly possible to experience one, some, or all of these symptom types, the vast majority of research indicates that once an OCD symptom type appears, it is very rare for it to disappear and be replaced by other symptom types. For example, if someone developed contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions at age 13, they would be very unlikely to develop aggressive obsessions and compulsions or sexual/religious obsessions and related compulsions later in life. On the other hand, it is possible for OCD symptoms to shift within the same symptom type. Using the example above, someone with contamination-related obsessions and cleaning compulsions might first begin with fears centered on contracting the HIV virus, but later in life switch to fears around salmonella or some other pathogen.

How the Severity of OCD Symptoms Fluctuates

It is also important to remember that the severity of OCD symptoms can and do fluctuate over a person’s lifetime, which means you may have times when your symptoms are worse and times when they ease up. This can be related to stress level, environment, the treatment methods you’re using, and many other factors. 

There are different ways to deal with the anxiety you feel from your OCD and each choice you make is either positive (accepting the OCD and learning to tolerate it), negative (trying to escape or get relief), or neutral (avoiding the problem or ignoring it). Try to choose the positive, which will help strengthen your ability to cope with your OCD. Consider managing your anxiety by describing it to yourself, rating it, and deciding if you can endure it, and if so, for how long: This is basically doing exposure therapy on your own and may help you feel more in control and less anxious.