There are several options you may want to explore for finding help. One idea is to talk with the clinician who diagnosed your child. Ask about specialists in your area who assess and treat adult ADHD.

Primary Care Provider

If you have a good relationship with your primary care provider, you can certainly start there as well. Speak to your doctor about your concerns. However, when you initially voice your concerns with your doctor, don’t be afraid to speak honestly about any questions or worries that you might have.

State Psychiatric Association or Psychological Association

State psychiatric and psychological associations usually keep a listing of professionals by specialty. Check out the following links for more information: There was an error. Please try again.

American Psychiatric Association: District Branches and State Associations American Psychological Association: Find a Psychologist

University Psychiatry or Psychology Departments

If you live near a university with a medical school call their psychiatry department and ask for information about local mental health professionals who are experienced in assessing and treating adult ADHD. You can also contact the school’s psychology department or psychology clinic for suggestions.

Local Hospital and Community Mental Health Center

Contact your local hospital psychiatry department or community mental health center for the same information.

ADHD Support Groups

Check to see if there is an ADHD support group in your area. Group members can often provide suggestions about local doctors who are knowledgeable about adult ADHD. To find out if you have a support group in your area check out the locator links of the following organizations:

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

Yellow Pages

You can also check the yellow pages for listings of local professionals who specialize in adult ADHD.

Effective Treatment Begins With Accurate Diagnosis

It is so important that the clinician who is evaluating you is knowledgeable about adult ADHD. They must be experienced in recognizing ADHD, but also in recognizing other co-occurring conditions that may be present, as well as being able to tease out other conditions that may be confused for ADHD. Effective treatment begins with an accurate diagnosis. Misdiagnosis leads to ineffective treatment, more problems, and lots of frustration. So really do your research to find a specialist experienced in adult ADHD.