Friday Fix: Episode 196

There are many things that can clutter your mind—worrying about the future, rehashing the past, second-guessing your decisions, and thinking about how you’re being perceived. Maybe you’re having dinner with a friend and all you can think about is your to-do list. Or perhaps it takes 30 minutes to send an email because you keep questioning how to word each sentence. There are several reasons why our brains feel cluttered sometimes. Depression can cause us to ruminate on the past. Anxiety can cause you to worry about the future. Traumatic experiences can cause you to always be on the lookout for danger.  Regardless of the reason, it’s tough to feel mentally strong when your brain is filled with thoughts that aren’t helpful. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to manage your thoughts in a helpful way. In this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, I share three strategies that can declutter your mind today. They’re simple but effective strategies you can start implementing right now.

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