Self-Esteem Theory

Self-esteem theory states that we have evolved to experience social inclusion and avoidance emotionally. Essentially, it is believed that our self-esteem level is determined by how much acceptance or rejection we experience in the social world. Our self-esteem is developed due to how we view other people reacting to us. Therefore, someone who experiences a lot of acceptance will theoretically have higher self-esteem while those who experience more ​rejection, would have lower self-esteem.

See What Is Really There

One quick way to change your self-esteem is to actually examine the levels of acceptance and rejection you experience. While we tend to focus on the negative, such as people who are rude to us or avoid us, we usually have more people that care for us that we easily overlook. Take a close look at the number of people in your life who care for you and then the number of those who neglect you. Most folks will find a larger number of people that accept them than reject, which should translate into better feelings and self-esteem. However, if more people are avoiding you, take a good look at why and consider making some personal changes. Particularly if you have anxiety, your stress and worrying can be exhausting for others.

Take Action

When it comes to self-esteem, many are simply trying to avoid losing rather than gaining. Therefore, many people with lower self-esteem become paralyzed with inaction. Finding the courage to branch out, make new friends, and increase the level of positive social engagement can be very impactful to your self-esteem. This, again, can be difficult for people with GAD if there are problems meeting new people or feeling judged. Working with a therapist to make this happen can be helpful.

Focus on the Positive

People with low self-esteem tend to beat themselves up internally. Their subconscious thoughts tend to focus on self-defeat and limitations. This can be compounded for people with GAD or other anxiety issues. Writing down good moments and successes can give you concrete reminders of what you are capable of during your low moments. If you have GAD and struggle with low self-esteem, talk to your therapist. There are many treatment options, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication, that can help manage low self-esteem and help you reach your full potential.  Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts