Giving compliments is an important social skill to learn because it is a great way to start conversations, develop social bonds and reduce anxiety about communicating.

9 Steps to Giving Great Compliments

Once you have mastered the art of giving compliments, you may find that you are also better at gracefully receiving compliments. Remember, whether giving or receiving, compliments should always be a positive experience.

Research on Compliments and Social Anxiety Disorder

In one small study of 17 individuals with generalized social phobia, it was shown that those with the disorder had physiological reactions to negative comments (criticism) but not to positive or neutral comments. While you can’t control what others say to you—why not consider controlling what you say to yourself? Negative thoughts are not that different from criticism from others. Instead, try thinking positive or neutral thoughts about yourself to promote better emotional stability and well-being. Catch yourself every time you have a negative thought about yourself, and replace it with a positive or neutral one. While at first, this might feel awkward, over time it will become more automatic.