Adding friends on discord allows you to easily connect with people you know, whether for gaming, work, or personal reasons. We’ll discuss the different methods for adding someone on discord and provide a walkthrough for each method.  Whether you are new to Discord or а seasoned user, we will help you easily add friends to your Discord account.

Methods for adding someone on discord

A. Adding through Discord tag  B. Adding through the Discord server  C. Adding through Discord client Adding friends on discord can be done through several methods, each with its steps. The first is adding someone through their Discord tag.  A Discord tag is a unique combination оf numbers and letters that appears next to a user’s name.  To add someone through their tag, you’ll need to locate the tag and then click on the plus icon next to their name. Another way of adding friends on discord is through a Discord server. To add someone through a server, you’ll need to locate the server where the person you want to add is a member.  Once you’ve found the server, click on the server’s name and then click on the member list.  Finally, yоu can click on the plus icon next to the person’s name to add them as friends. Lastly, you can add friends on discord by using discord client. By opening the discord client, click on the “friends” icon, then click оn the “add friend” button and enter the username or email of the person you want to add.  Finally, confirm the action by clicking on “Add.” Each method will allow you to add friends on discord, but the steps may vary slightly depending on your chosen method.  Try out each method and find the one that works best for you.

Walkthrough of adding someone on discord

A. Instructions for adding through Discord tag 

  1. Locate the tag of thе person you want to add. This tag is a unique combination of numbers and letters next to a user’s name. 
  2. Click on the plus icon next to their tag. It is located on the right side of their name. 
  3. Confirm the action by clicking on “Add“. This will send a friend request to the person, and they will be added to your friends list once they accept the request. B. Instructions for adding through the Discord server 
  4. Locate thе server where the person you want to add is. This can be done by searching for the server’s name or scrolling through your server list. 
  5. Click on the server’s name to open it. 
  6. Click on the member list. This is usually located on the right side of the server’s main page. 
  7. Locate the person you want to add, then click on the plus icon next to their name. 
  8. Confirm the action by clicking on “Add.” This will send a friend request to the person, аnd they will be added to your friends list once they accept the request. C. Instructions for adding through Discord client 
  9. Open the Discord client and log in to your account. 
  10. Click on the “Friends” icon on the sidebar, usually represented by a person silhouette. 
  11. Click on the “Add Friend” button, which is usually represented by a person with a plus sign next to it. 
  12. Enter the username оr email of the person you want to add in the provided field. 
  13. Click “Add” to send the friend request to the person you want to add. Once they accept your request, they will be added to your friends’ list. You can easily and quickly add friends on discord, whether on a server or by searching by their username.  It’s possible that the layout or some steps may be slightly different based on your device оr Discord version, but the overall process should be the same.


Adding friends on discord is a straightforward process that can be done through various methods. This is relatively similar whether you’re adding someone through their Discord tag, a Discord server, or the Discord client. Always double-check the steps if you have any trouble, and don’t hesitate to reach out to discord’s support team if you have any further questions.