Dealbreakers come in all shapes and sizes, but be careful because if you’re too picky, you could end up with the only person you can seem to tolerate…yourself.

Where Do Dating Dealbreakers Originate?

Many new relationships are doomed from the start because past experiences spill over into the next. When this occurs, all of the baggage of that previous relationship and all of the dealbreakers you discovered while dating your ex come flooding into your mind. While it may seem helpful at first, carrying your past into a new relationship often wreaks havoc on the new one because you’re no longer seeing this person for who they are on their own.

Common Dealbreakers

If you’ve been in the dating game or are newly entering the dating game, you’ll know that, aside from all of the amazing (or not-so-amazing) first kisses, some people you run into may possess some annoying or downright intolerable habits. So let’s take a look at some of the most common dating dealbreakers.


If someone you’re dating is here today and gone tomorrow, then that’s a definite red flag. If someone really wants to date you and get to know you, they will pull out all of the stops. Wondering where that person may be or who they are with could cause a lot of friction in the relationship, which is why the next point is so essential.

Poor Communication

In all aspects of life, communication is the primary source. Without communication, nothing can prosper. If you’re dating someone and they can’t properly communicate with you, that’s an ultimate dealbreaker because how else are you going to get to know one another? If they can go hours and days without speaking to you, that means you aren’t one of their top priorities. Likewise, if they seem to fall off the face of the planet for some reason, that is also a clear lack of interest. In fact, ghosting is probably the loudest way to say you don’t care about a person.

Lack of Interest or One-Sidedness

If you feel you’re doing all of the work and the other person is just coasting by, there is a problem. One-sided relationships rately last; each person has to put in the same effort to work as a partnership. Has that person shown any interest in your career? Do they know your favorite hobby or color? The little things matter.

Blatant Disrespect

If you find that a person is disrespectful and you call them out on it, and they don’t change, that’s a dealbreaker. First dates tell you so much about a person if you pay attention to factors such as body language and other forms of nonverbal communication. Your eyes can often tell you what your ears cannot. People may try to put on a facade initially, but if you pay attention, you can often see through the deception.

Conflicting Morals or Values

If someone you’re dating doesn’t know and respect your morals, they will treat you any way they feel. So you have to teach people how to treat you. That means you have to set the standard and stand firm in it. If you say no calls after a certain time and they call anyway, don’t answer. If you aren’t comfortable in any situation, speak up for yourself. No one will treat you how you want to be treated unless you make it known, and if they can’t adapt, show them the door.

Unfair Expectations That Turn Into Dealbreakers

Dating can often be a pretty complex experience; let’s not make it harder by creating problems. We’re all human, and sometimes we ask for too much or expect too much from a potential partner. But, when you’re dating, try to remember that the other person is human too. Here are some things that often end up being dealbreakers but are actually sort of unfair to the other person.

Expecting Your Potential Mate to Go Above and Beyond for You

Thinking someone you’re dating should come in and save you and go above and beyond for you is unrealistic. You are responsible for yourself. Expecting someone to spoil you and spend all of their money on you and ending the relationship if they don’t should not be a dealbreaker.

Expecting Them to Read Your Mind

No one on this earth is a mind reader, so being vocal about your feelings is primal. Many dealbreakers arise because one or both parties aren’t expressing how they truly feel. Communication is imperative in every aspect of a relationship, so avoiding tough conversations only leads to the combustion of something that could’ve been.

Making Assumptions About Who They Are

One of the worst things you can do when you’re dating is assuming someone is a certain way before you truly know them. Stereotyping someone is the quickest way to get them to shut down and lose interest. Placing stigmas on a person is not only unfair but dehumanizing. If you walk into a new situation with old baggage, you’re bound to keep dragging it along forever and, in most cases, alone.

Questioning Everything They Do or Say

Are you one to question everything? Do you second-guess anything a potential partner says? If you’re a non-believer from the start, there is no future with the person trying to pursue you. Why? Because you’ll never believe anything they say. You’ll either overanalyze their words or think they’re lying to you.

Being Too Idealistic

Do you fantasize about a person before you know them? You know, believing that they are a certain way before you actually know who they really are? These are high grounds for deal-breaking because the image you’ve drawn up in your mind about them may not match who they really are. But, of course, this only leads to disappointment. Speaking of compromising, how can you figure out if something is a dealbreaker or not? Keep reading!

How to Know If Something Is a Dealbreaker

Some things really aren’t as complex as they may seem. You know when something really bothers you and when something is tolerable but just kind of annoying. As you get older, your views and preferences change, and you care more about what a person’s interior has to offer than their exterior. This might mean that your dealbreakers are a person with no depth, an unkind heart, a selfish and inconsiderate person, or someone that lacks intellect. If you want substance, something like their attire, car, or current living situation won’t be a dealbreaker because it’s all changeable. Also, having a nice car or clothes has nothing to do with whether someone is a good match for you. The best thing you can do when dating is to be observant. Don’t look for dealbreakers. In fact, don’t look for anything. Instead, hear exactly what is being said and pay close attention to actions. These key things will help you decide what you are willing to deal with and what you want no parts of. Walk into every situation with a fresh perspective, leaving all past experiences at the door. So, choose your dealbreakers wisely because you never know who’s out there waiting for you!