While many people are hunkered down at home and doing what they can to maintain a safe social distance when they do have to venture out in public, others are still insisting on socializing in big groups or throwing parties, while ignoring other people’s concerns. Many people are struggling to have conversations with aging parents and grandparents who are still going out and doing all the social things they normally do, even though they are one of the groups most at risk of complications. It can be even more difficult to convince young adults and teens that while they may not have a high risk of complications, they can still become vectors and spread the virus to those who are vulnerable. So what can you do to gently and lovingly encourage your loved ones to follow social distancing guidelines for their own health? And how can you get others to respect you and your family’s personal space during this time? While you can’t control what others are doing, there are steps that you can take to encourage your loved ones to engage in social distancing.

Share What You’re Doing

Let your friends and family know that you are social distancing. The first step is to communicate with people in your social circle about your desire to maintain physical distance during the epidemic. Hopefully, your loved ones will respect your wishes and follow suit in their own lives. But don’t expect everyone to know exactly what those guidelines are. Be specific about what you are doing and what you expect from others.

Remind Them Why It Matters

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that those with a higher risk of complications from COVID-19 are older adults and people of any age who have a serious underlying medical condition. This includes individuals with asthma. Because COVID-19 affects the respiratory tract, it can cause asthma attacks and may cause respiratory distress and pneumonia. Remind your loved ones that social distancing can make a difference in minimizing the spread of the virus. By limiting their physical contact with others, people can reduce the number of infections and protect individuals who may be the most susceptible to serious complications.

Make It Personal

It might be tempting to inundate others with facts, figures, and projections, but appealing to logic isn’t always the most effective approach. Certainly reminding people about the CDC’s current recommendations for social distancing is helpful—but being aware of the recommendations doesn’t always mean that people will follow them. While people might not have a high personal risk, they can probably think of a family member, friend, co-worker, or person in their community who may be more susceptible to serious complications from COVID-19. Having a personal connection can make the risk seem much more real than seemingly abstract statistics.

Use Social Norms

Social pressure can influence behavior in powerful ways. While we often think of it in the negative context of peer pressure, it can also be used to help people change and adopt healthier behaviors. 

Appeal to Their Need to Belong

It is often easier to go along with something when you can easily see examples where others are doing the same thing. While this kind of peer pressure can also lead to risky behaviors, it can also be used to encourage others to engage in actions that are in the best interest of individual and public health.

Use Humor

It might seem silly to be sharing handwashing and social distancing memes in the middle of a serious pandemic, but it may actually make people more likely to engage in those behaviors. When people see that many others in their social groups are following these practices, it can help build a sense of social identity and encourage people to adhere to these public health recommendations.  But while it’s fun to share memes about song lyrics you can recite while washing your hands or funny pictures about social distancing, there are certain types of things you should avoid sharing with your social networks. Don’t share information from dubious or biased sources or anything that promotes unsubstantiated health claims. Stick to trusted sources such as the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) for health guidelines.

Be Supportive

Support and encourage your loved ones who are social distancing—or trying their best to follow the guidelines. Remember that distancing, isolation, and quarantine can be harder on some people than it is on others, and some people may not be able to engage in it to the same degree due to the nature of their jobs, particularly those who work in grocery stores and healthcare settings. 

Do Your Best

It’s not always an easy conversation to have and your unique circumstances can play a role. You might be taking precautions, but your roommates might not. Your kids might follow social distancing when they are home with you, but not when they are visiting your ex. It’s not easy, and it might be impossible for some individuals to follow the guidelines perfectly. The key is to do what you can.  The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page. Even if others aren’t on the same page, let them know that you will be distancing yourself and your family and that you expect them to respect your space during this time.  How to Practice Empathy During the COVID-19 Pandemic How to Be a Good Quarantine Partner