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Bipolar Disorder and Suicide Risk

It can be scary to watch someone display any of the warning signs of suicide, but recognizing these red flags before there may be a problem, especially in cases of adults or teens with bipolar disorder is best. It is estimated that nearly 30% of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder will attempt suicide at least once in their lives. The suicide rate for people with bipolar disorder is twenty times that of the general population. These numbers are even more frightening when we consider the “average” suicide risk in the general population. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that suicide was the eighth-ranked cause of death in the United States. Suicide was the third leading cause of death for those ages 10-24 and the second leading cause for ages 25-34. Multiply these numbers by the increase seen with bipolar disorder and it’s even more clear why understanding the indicators below is so important. The subject of suicide is not something we can ignore. We should all be aware of the risk factors for suicide, whether or not a person has bipolar disorder. Every single one of us needs to know the warnings signs, the red flags of despair, so we may be prepared to help a friend or loved one in crisis, and be prepared to hear their cry for help. In younger people, we need to be familiar with the warning signs of suicide in teens, as some of these may be dismissed as ordinary teen angst. We also need to know where and how to seek help if we experience suicidal thoughts ourselves. Even the most emotionally healthy individuals on the planet sometimes experience the despair that can lead to suicide.

Red Flags for Suicide

There are several common red flags for suicide.

Situational Indicators

Abuse (emotional, physical, or sexual)A change in physical appearanceDeath of a loved oneDiagnosis of a terminal illnessLoss of employment or a new jobLoss of financial securityLoss of a relationship via rejection or separationLoss of self-esteem

Emotional Indicators


Common Behavioral Indicators

Acquiring a weaponChecking on insurance policiesGiving away personal belongingsHoarding medicationIncreased interest in suicideMaking or changing a willMending grievancesPutting affairs in orderWithdrawing from people

Common Verbal Indicators

Straightforward comments may include:

“I wish I were dead"“I wish I had the nerve to kill myself.““I wish I could die in my sleep.““If it weren’t for my kids, my husband…I would commit suicide.”

More subtle hints may include:

“I can’t take it anymore.““I hate life.““Nothing matters anymore.““Why do I bother?”

You Never Can Tell, So Be Vigilant

The old adage better safe than sorry was never more correct than when it comes to monitoring friends and family members for signs of suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, these signs are not proof positive that someone is considering suicide. Furthermore, any number of these signs could be evident, but the person may not have given much thought about taking their own life. The reverse is also true. A person may give no warning at all of an impending suicide attempt. So how do you know for sure?

Ask About Suicidal Thoughts

Ask. Yes, ask! Many people faced with seeing a red flag find themselves afraid to ask the important question. A common and unfortunate suicide myth is that asking about suicidal thoughts will increase the risk of suicide. This is simply not true. Be open to discussing this difficult subject with your loved one and be vigilant and take these signs seriously. It could save a life. Read up on tips on talking to a teen threatening suicide, which can be just as helpful when talking to an adult as well.

Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and Suicide

There are many shocking statistics about bipolar disorder and suicide. It’s also frightening to know that roughly half of the people who attempt suicide are clinically depressed. In this day and age, there are so many new treatments and so much hope for people coping with mental illness, but only if they can survive and receive treatment. If you’ve been coping with bipolar disorder or depression, get help. It’s also a good idea to take the time to ​create a suicide safety plan.