Ketamine is a dissociative drug, which means that it can make users feel detached from reality and themselves. It was originally used as an anesthetic, but has also been found effective for treating major depression and bipolar disorder—under medical supervsion. Learn what a k-hole is and what it feels like to be in one, or k-hole symptoms. This article also discusses other ketamine effects, as well as signs of a ketamine overdose and how to get help.

What Is a K-Hole?

A k-hole is when high doses of ketamine lead to intense feelings of dissociation. This can cause feelings of being disconnected from or unable to control one’s own body, also sometimes affecting the ability to speak and move around easily. As the consciousness of the real world diminishes, alterations in the senses during a k-hole may lead to illusions and hallucinations. While usually temporary, some people have shown ongoing dissociative and psychotic symptoms with long-term ketamine misuse.

K-Hole Symptoms

A k-hole can be frightening and induce strong feelings of powerlessness. This may be especially intense if your ability to speak is affected. When in a k-hole, it can be frustrating if someone is trying to communicate with you and you can’t respond. To others, someone in a k-hole may simply look immobile and intoxicated, although their eyes may move around. This is an effect known as nystagmus. Other k-hole symptoms include marked confusion, unexplainable experiences, floating sensations, and mind/body dissociation.

Ketamine Effects

One of the risks of falling into a k-hole is difficulty coming out of the dissociative state. Some people continue to feel disconnected from the world around them (and from their life), and may even develop ongoing symptoms of psychosis. Ketamine can have effects on the brain, heart, and more. Short-term side effects of taking ketamine can include:

Dilated pupilsElevated blood pressureIncreased heart rateIncreased salivation and tear secretionsInvoluntary rapid eye movementMuscle stiffeningNausea

Long-term side effects of taking ketamine frequently and/or at high doses include:

Bladder problemsCardiac issuesCognitive effectsSeizures

Why People Take Ketamine

It can be hard to understand why someone would voluntarily take a drug with k-hole effects. But when taken in lower doses, ketamine can produce feelings of euphoria, making the person taking it feel “at one with the universe.” This ketamine effect is sometimes referred to as being in “k-land.” It can be particularly attractive to people who have difficulty coping with life and social situations, or those who are troubled by a distressing past. Another motivation for taking ketamine is peer pressure. People may want to try this drug because their friends are doing it. Others do not willingly take ketamine but have it slipped into a drink as a date rape drug. Some people, such as those who use drugs to cope with depression, seek out feelings of disconnection and dissociation. In these cases, people feel that ketamine can help them control their uncomfortable feelings; a k-hole is a kind of oblivion that gives them a temporary escape from the world.

Ketamine and Depression

A review of several studies found that ketamine is a fast-acting antidepressant, often reaching maximum efficacy at 24 hours. This can appeal to people with depressive symptoms, especially when many antidepressants take weeks to months before any changes are noticed. Research has shown that people who use ketamine more heavily tend to be more depressed than occasional users. It’s not clear whether the depression is caused by ketamine use and its impacts on people’s lives, or if people who are already depressed are more vulnerable to ketamine misuse as a form of self-medication.

Signs of Ketamine Overdose

Taking too much ketamine can cause an overdose. Signs of a ketamine overdose include dangerously slow breathing and loss of consciousness. If an overdose is suspected, get immediate medical attention.

How to Get Help

There are many effective and much safer ways of treating depression than seeking out a k-hole. If you have been through significant trauma, such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or if you are struggling with feelings of guilt or emptiness, there are various therapies that can help you. A mental health professional can help find the best treatment options for you. This might include psychotherapy, medications, or both. These treatments can help you feel better without having to experience a k-hole or other negative ketamine effects. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.