This article discusses the long-term effects of meth use, including its impact on mental and physical health.

Tolerance and Withdrawal

As with other drug addictions, people who routinely use meth eventually develop a tolerance to the drug, requiring higher dosages to get the same effect, and they experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug leaves their system. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) research has shown that the brains of people who use meth long-term are changed to the point that they may find it difficult to experience any pleasure other than that provided by the drug. This change may provoke even further drug use.

Psychiatric Symptoms

Chronic methamphetamine use can also cause people to experience other psychiatric symptoms, including:

AnxietyConfusionInsomniaMood disturbancesPsychotic symptoms that include paranoia, hallucinations, and delusionsViolent behavior

NIDA notes that these symptoms can sometimes continue for months or even years after a person stops using methamphetamine. For example, meth use can produce a variety of psychotic features that can include paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and delusions. Unfortunately, some of these psychotic symptoms can persist for months or years after the person quits using meth. The reoccurrence of these symptoms can be triggered by stress long after the person has stopped using the drug.

Effect on Emotion and Memory

NIDA-sponsored neuroimaging studies have found that meth use alters the dopamine system associated with reduced motor speed and impaired verbal learning. Methamphetamine misuse can also negatively affect non-neural brain cells called microglia, which support the brain by removing damaged neurons and defending the brain against infectious agents. But, too much microglial activity can damage healthy neurons in the brain. Imaging studies have detected double the levels of microglial cells in the brains of people who formerly used methamphetamine, compared with people who never used meth. Some studies have found that some of the brain damage caused by chronic methamphetamine use is partially reversible. Motor and verbal memory have been shown to improve after extended abstinence from methamphetamine. However, other brain functions damaged by meth use did not recover even after 14 months, one study found.

Effect on Physical Health

There are other physical effects that people who use methamphetamine can experience including weight loss, skin sores, and severe tooth decay and tooth loss, a condition known as “meth mouth.” In the short-term, meth use can cause physical changes including bad breath, dry mouth, decreased appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, tremors, and excess sweating. With continued use, the drug can take a great toll on a person’s body and health, including:

Premature aging: Meth use can contribute to a number of skin problems, including decreased skin elasticity that can cause people to look much older than they actually are. Acne, skin picking, and obsessive scratching can also contribute to long-term skin damage that affects a person’s appearance.Dental problems: Long-term methamphetamine use also causes severe dental problems that can arise from poor nutrition, poor hygiene, dry mouth, and tooth grinding, which can lead to cavities, tooth decay, and missing teeth.Heart damage: Meth use also contributes to cardiac problems including increased heart rate and blood pressure. Research suggests that the use of the drug increases the risk for heart attack and sudden cardiac death.Risk of chronic disease: Methamphetamine use increases the risk of stroke and can lead to a higher incidence of Parkinson’s disease, conditions that are irreversible.

A Word From Verywell

Meth use can have serious effects on your physical and mental health in both the short-term and long term. While some of these negative effects may be permanent, some can be halted or reversed. Quitting the drug is the first step toward repairing the damage, so you should start by talking to your doctor about safe ways to quit meth. It is often best to go through the detox and withdrawal process under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Long-term treatment often involves psychotherapy and can be effective in recovery and avoiding relapse. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.