Muscle Tension

The muscle tension associated with normal anxiety might involve a brief tensing of the back and neck that relaxes when a threat passes. The muscle tension described by people with anxiety, on the other hand, may include unrelenting aches and pains in overly active shoulder, back, neck, and jaw muscles. The tension might also include restless fidgeting of tense legs or grinding of the teeth. These manifestations of muscle tension don’t subside in the absence of a threat. Instead, they persist until specific relaxation or mindfulness skills are employed, or medications that promote relaxation are taken.

Digestive Problems

The gut also holds and expresses anxiety. This can take the form of non-specific unsettling of the stomach, outright nausea, constipation, or diarrhea. Digestive problems can have a particularly negative impact on day-to-day functioning. Beyond being uncomfortable and disruptive in their own right, these symptoms may perpetuate worries about the presence of a medical illness.

Headache and Dizziness

The psychological distress associated with anxiety involves persistent general worry or fears of specific situations. Thoughts may race down a spiral of anticipation and fear about one topic or may bounce incessantly from one issue or scenario to the next. This psychological experience can result, literally, in an aching head and dizziness.


The edginess associated with anxiety can manifest behaviorally as irritability or physically as trembling and shaking. The fidgeting or restlessness may be more obvious to observers than to the person experiencing it in some cases. 


Chronic worry, simply put, is exhausting, so it’s common for people with anxiety to be fatigued. But, sometimes, the worry or other physical symptoms of anxiety make it difficult either to fall or stay asleep. In the short term, this can take a toll on other aspects of physical and psychological well-being.

Shortness of Breath

Along with increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, sweating, and/or dizziness, shortness of breath can occur. Shortness of breath as an anxiety symptom is more likely to occur as part of a panic attack. Follow Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts Anxiety disorders are characterized by persistent and intense physical symptoms. Considering these reactions is especially important when diagnosing anxiety disorders. In fact, to meet the formal criteria for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), for example, anxiety must be associated with multiple physical symptoms. In children, the presence of even one of these symptoms is sufficient for a diagnosis to be made. Research has also found that having more anxiety symptoms is connected to a higher risk of developing:

AsthmaBack problemsCardiovascular problems MigrainesUlcersVision problems


Medication can be helpful for addressing the physical symptoms of anxiety. Benzodiazepines have a sedative effect and can provide fast-acting relief for the physical effects of anxiety. However, these medications can also be habit-forming, which is why they are often prescribed for short-term relief. Other medications may also be prescribed including antidepressants and beta-blockers.


Different types of talk therapy can also be helpful for addressing symptoms of anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is frequently used to treat anxiety disorders and involves identifying and changing the ways that people think and react to sources of anxiety. Exposure therapy is a form of CBT in which people are gradually exposed to the source of their anxiety. Over time, feelings of anxiety begin to diminish.

Anxiety disorders are quite common, but often go undiagnosed and untreated. Because women tend to experience symptoms more often than men, experts now recommend that all women and girls aged 13 and older be screened for anxiety during routine preventative exams. Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms since anxiety can worsen over time. Early intervention can improve your daily functioning and mental well-being. The physical complaints that are symptomatic of an anxiety problem are no less uncomfortable than those ascribed to a medical condition. Fortunately, as you undergo treatment for anxiety, the symptoms and your tools to cope with them will improve. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.