This article discusses how a couples therapy session might differ from in-person counseling, the benefits of couples therapy, and potential drawbacks. It also includes guidance on how to find the best therapist for you.


Online therapy goes by many names, including e-therapy, teletherapy, telecounseling, e-counseling, and even cyber counseling. In many ways, it’s the same as therapy you’d get from an in-person session, only your conversations take place through text, email, or video chats. Online therapy for couples is similar, only both you and your partner are present and the goal is to improve your relationship dynamic together. “In the session, your therapist will guide you through exercises and communication practices. The goal is to help you improve the quality of your relationship, increase or renew the friendship factor, enhance your intimacy through deeper emotional connection, and navigate and resolve conflicts effectively,” explains Jennie Marie Battistin, a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) based in Burbank, California. As is the case with all forms of therapy, how many sessions you decide to participate in is up to you and your partner, informed by your therapist’s recommendation. Some can resolve in a few months while others benefit from ongoing sessions over the course of years.


In general, couples therapy opens the door of communication and can strengthen what many would consider their most important relationship. In terms of the benefits of online couples therapy versus in-office sessions, there are a handful to consider:

It’s convenient: Having no commute to a therapist’s office often allows for easier scheduling, especially in cases where work schedules might collide or if you have children. When something meshes well with your schedule, it’s easier to stay the course.You may feel more comfortable: Walking into a foreign space with someone you’ve never met and airing personal details is hard to do. Though it’s still a difficult process when at home, being in the safe cocoon of your space might make it easier.Learned skills may translate easily: “Practicing communication skills in your home may help to translate the skill to real life, which can help increase the accessibility of using the skill day to day,” says Battistin.It opens the door to long-distance relationship counseling: If you’re in a long-distance relationship and unable to consistently participate in traditional therapy, online couples therapy is a viable alternative.

“To ensure your session goes well, being open-minded and accepting is the first step,” says Hafeez. “It also helps to write out your individual and shared goals, as well as your complaints or worries, so you don’t spend your time being sidetracked and later feeling you never got to say the important things.” Note that in some cases the goal or outcome of couples therapy is to help you determine whether it makes sense to remain in the relationship. In cases where you’re in a relationship that’s not demonstrably unhealthy but otherwise might be better ended, couples therapy can help you amicably separate.

Is Online Couples Therapy Effective?

In general, couples therapy has been shown to be an effective evidence-based treatment that can help couples with relationship problems including communication, intimacy, and psychological distress. Research suggests that online therapy can be as effective as traditional face-to-face counseling. In a 2019 study published in Frontiers in Psychology, the majority of couples who tried online therapy reported finding the experience both beneficial and positive.  One concern associated with delivering couples therapy online is the challenges of forming a therapeutic alliance. Previous research has suggested that the therapeutic alliance—which is the relationship clients have with their therapist that helps them feel safe and understood—is an important determinant of therapy outcomes. Interestingly, participants in one study felt that online delivery via video actually enhanced this therapeutic rapport.

Potential Drawbacks

While there are many benefits associated with online couples couple therapy, it’s important to acknowledge some of the potential drawbacks, as well. Those might include the following:

It’s harder to read body language: “With a virtual session, there’s a limited understanding of body language and interaction specific to in-person behaviors in online sessions,” says Hafeez. While some body language can still be read through a screen, some important cues might be missed by your therapist. Interruptions might occur: Children, knocks on the door, pets, internet connectivity issues, and other interruptions are more likely with online therapy. Hafeez also points out that you might speak more quietly or with more hesitation if you live with others or have children for fear of being overheard. All these factors can impact the flow of your session. Sessions might feel less intimate: Since you’re communicating with a therapist through a screen, sessions can feel less personal, which might make it harder to open up and be vulnerable. Sessions are trickier to control: Though not always the case, Battistin says it can be difficult to keep more volatile couples calm without having the physical presence of the therapist.

Generally speaking, in situations where there have been physical altercations, it is best to schedule an in-person, one-on-one therapy session versus an online or virtual session. Additionally, Battistin says that one-on-one sessions (virtual or in-person) are ideal if one person is struggling with deep depression or a mental disorder. Subscribe Now: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

Finding a Therapist

Several studies have suggested that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy, permitting you’re speaking to a skilled therapist. “I recommend seeking a private practice therapist who primarily has specialized in couples therapy in-office, yet offers online when the need arises. It’s also best to seek a therapist who has completed additional training in couples therapy,” says Battistin. “You might be surprised to learn most therapists have had only two to three classes in conducting couples therapy while pursuing their master’s or doctoral degree.” “Additionally,” she says, “a social worker with training in couples therapy could be a good fit. And always, the persons with the greatest training in any type of counseling are those with doctorates (PsyD or PhD).” The following directories can help point you in the right direction:

Gottman Couples Therapists Imago Couples Therapists Emotional Focused Couples Therapists

Online Platforms

There are several online platforms that have emerged as alternatives to private practice therapists. Some platforms are better suited than others to provide couples therapy. There are differences in how you can choose or change your therapist, and video chat may not be available on every platform. As the field of online therapy continues to develop, however, it’s likely that these platforms will expand and refine their offerings to suit more specific needs, including couples therapy. If affordability is a concern, there are options to explore.

How Much Does Online Couples Therapy Cost?

Therapy costs can vary depending on a variety of different factors. For traditional in-office therapy, rates are often somewhere between $75 and $200 per hour. Online rates can vary depending on the provider, platform, and options you select. Some providers offer weekly rates that start around $40 a week. Live video therapy sessions often cost more and can be around $200 to $250 per session. Check rates with your provider before you begin. Some online providers may accept your insurance, but you should also check whether the services are covered. In some cases, therapists may also offer discounted pricing for cash-paying clients or a sliding-scale option in which your rate is based on what you can afford to pay.

A Word From Verywell

The advent of online couples’ counseling has provided more flexibility to couples across the globe who desire to navigate their relationship with the help of an expert. In cases where virtual is the only option—while traveling, in a long-distance relationship, or in situations when commuting simply isn’t a possibility—virtual sessions may prove an excellent alternative to in-person sessions. All couples have their own needs, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of online couples therapy to determine if it’s the right move for your relationship.