The problem with clutter is that when you have a lot of belongings, it creates extra work for you—whether that’s cleaning up, finding something, or needing to buy new things when you can’t find what you need. So, according to research, when clutter takes over, procrastination sets in. But when you procrastinate, your never-ending to-do list is always haunting you and making it incredibly difficult to relax or focus.  But the good news is that decluttering can go a long way. An organized, clean home brings you peace of mind because there are fewer distractions, you know where things are when you need them, and you can focus on what you want to—be that work, spending time with family, or something else. There are also lots of great products to help organize your home, but with so much available, people don’t always know what to buy. To help narrow down your choices, here are the best decluttering products—according to psychologists and experts. They’re made of clear polypropylene, so you’ll be able to see what you’re storing without needing labels, they’re easy to stack, and they come in a variety of different sizes to fit all your needs. These bins have strong latches that create an air- and watertight seal to protect your items from moisture, dirt, bugs, mice and other damage. Plus, they look good on your organized closet shelves. Price at time of publication: $19 Best of all, while it was designed with kitchens in mind, it can come in handy anywhere you might store bottles, like your laundry room or bathroom.   Price at time of publication: $19 These stacking containers are also made of clear, high quality plastic so you can easily see what you have and know when you’re running low. They are dishwasher safe and their lids come apart for easy cleaning. You can also use them to store crafts, hardware, and other non-food related knickknacks too.  Price at time of publication: $61 In addition, they’re convenient because they allow you to see what’s inside without needing labels, which allows kids to easily find what kind of toy they’re looking for and parents to easily sort the toys while cleaning up. Plus, they’re made of durable metal so you don’t have to worry about them collapsing or needing to be replaced quickly. Price at time of publication: $39 The cart is purposely designed to be thin and narrow so that it can fit in even the tightest of bathrooms, though it could also be used in a narrow kitchen. It features a beautiful wood topper and it comes in two colors—white and black—to match the aesthetic of most homes.  Price at time of publication: $145 Your paperwork is always easy to access and each file has a label so you can quickly see what’s what without having to dig through each file. The hanging files are also large enough to hold three full file folders. Best of all, this file holder is one of the most affordably priced ones on the market that doesn’t sacrifice quality at the same time.  Price at time of publication: $14 These storage containers are easy to pack and remarkably durable for their fabric construction. They are also narrow enough to fit under most beds and their grey color allows them to blend in seamlessly without causing an eyesore.  Price at time of publication: $30 It can be adjusted to fit various different space requirements and you can also get multiple kits (or other Rubbermaid organizers) if you want to add onto this kit. The shelves and hanging rods are durable, but may not be the quickest install, depending on how handy you are.  Price at time of publication: $137 The Brutes store a significant amount (up to 20 gallons), are made of high-density polyurethane (which will protect your items even in cold temperatures), and they are stackable. They’re also reinforced on the bottom so you can drag them without worrying you’ll damage them. The lids fit tightly, keeping everything safe from water damage. Price at time of publication: $210 They feature convenient handles for lifting and at 13 inches in diameter, they are the perfect size to hold what you need and still fit on your bookshelf. Plus, if you want to get more, Target has bigger and smaller sizes too.  Price at time of publication: $16 Price at time of publication: $85 It’s also narrow enough to fit next to the sink pipe without issue, even in small kitchens. In addition, if you purchase more than one of these organizers, you can stack them on top of each other to create a thoroughly organized space. Price at time of publication: $37 Price at time of publication: $85 Each divider is spring loaded to fit into almost any drawer at least four inches deep. They also have rubber feet to help keep it in place, which means you won’t need any tools to install them. You can reorganize and redivide your drawer as often as you want without harming your dresser. Price at time of publication: $18 If you’re also getting rid of things (whether for donation or to toss out) while you declutter, you should use heavy duty, clear ToughBag Trash Bags, too.


When you’re decluttering, the goal isn’t to add a bunch of new things: it’s to organize the things you already have. This seems obvious, but it’s easy to get sidetracked. So, for example, if you don’t use a bunch of pencils, paperclips, tape and sticky notes at your desk, you don’t need an office organizer with a bunch of compartments for those things. Make sure what you buy is practical to your space and what you use it for. 

Whether you’ll actually use it:

With decluttering products, “the overall goal is to increase your motivation and drive excitement to declutter,” says psychotherapist Nicholas Hardy. That means that if the product overwhelms you, or seems like too much work to keep up, it’s not for you.  For example, if you’re too busy to label a bunch of jars in your kitchen, don’t buy them. They’ll only make your problem worse, not better. 

The size of your space:

Everyone’s home is different, so there isn’t really a one-size-fits-all product for decluttering. Ultimately, what you buy needs to fit nicely in the space you have without making things feel more cramped than they were before. 


No matter what you buy, make sure it will last. The last thing you need is a product that will fall apart in a few months and just need to be replaced later. That will only make more work for you. Durability is especially important if you’re looking at storage boxes for items that you want to keep, but don’t want to see every day. If you plan on keeping the storage boxes outside, make sure they can handle temperature variations and protect your items from water damage, pests, and dirt. 


If you’re looking for ways to declutter spaces you use everyday, your needs will be different than if you’re just looking to organize a closet, attic, basement or garage. For example, for knick-knacks in your living room, you might want a decorative basket, but for your craft closet, you might just opt for clear or labeled storage bins. 

Why Trust Verywell Mind?

As an experienced health and science reporter, Simone Scully understands the importance of picking thoroughly researched products to promote wellness and self-care.  “Clutter is distracting because it’s visual stimuli all around you,” explains licensed clinical psychologist Lauren Powell. And that visual stimuli can make you remember something you’d rather be doing, remind you of something else you need to do, or trigger a memory. In other words, all those items cluttering your workspace are just a constant invitation to let your mind wander.  This is especially true if your clutter is a series of unfinished projects (like piles of paperwork on your desk, dishes in the sink, bags of recycling by the door, etc). “When we look around us, we think dozens of tiny thoughts about the stuff we see,” explains Risa Williams, psychotherapist, productivity coach and author of ‘The Ultimate Anxiety Toolkit.’ So “it’s easy for our stuff to trigger memories or trigger thoughts like ‘I should move that’ or ‘I should clean that up.’” However, she continues, “if you can declutter and remove some of the stuff that triggers these thoughts, you’re giving your mind space to think other thoughts instead.” And when you do that, you also allow your mind to focus on getting one task done at a time, which ultimately improves your productivity.  “When I am overwhelmed, I declutter by writing down everything that needs to be organized,” says Hardy. “This allows for several things: first, a list that can be prioritized and second, a sense of accomplishment every time I am able to mark an item off of that list.” In addition, Hardy says, it helps to set a date or time for when you’re going to tackle your decluttering project. “When I set a date to declutter, I can anticipate the joy and pain of everything that comes with it,” he says. “Plus it allows me to not think about it until it is actually time.” Setting a date also allows you to buy everything you need to help you declutter before you get started. Another thing that can help when you feel overwhelmed is to start small. “Focus on one small space,” says Powell. “For example, go to the junk drawer that just keeps piling up and only focus on that drawer—nothing else—and do your absolute best to perfect the organization of that drawer. Then, take a break [before] trying another small area.”   “Small projects really add up over time and even a little progress can significantly improve your mental well-being,” she adds.   You can also start by the clutter that’s out in the open, says Dr. Gabrielle Schreyer-Hoffman, like clutter on your desk or your kitchen counter. The advantage of this approach is that you’ll immediately be able to see your results, which can be very motivating.  Whatever you start with, try to be systematic in your approach. Make piles or use boxes/garbage bags to sort things into piles: keep, toss, donate and unsure. “Go through the area you’re trying to declutter, take everything out, distribute them into piles, and then when you’re done, begin to put things away,” says Schreyer-Hoffman.  It also helps to donate to charity. “When you donate old or unused items, it helps you justify why you are getting rid of something,” says Hardy. “When we understand that others can benefit from it, it makes the process easier,” especially if you try to imagine how much joy another person can receive from your items.   A Yale study found that when we’re letting go of objects we feel a personal connection with, the parts of the brain associated with conflict and pain tend to light up. These are the same parts of the brain that also light up when smokers and drug addicts try to quit. Of course, for some people, like those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the reaction in this part of the brain is stronger. The reason we likely feel like this, though, is because “we tend to create emotional attachments to our belongings,” explains Powell. “The items we have tell stories, making them hard to throw away.” For example, a particular sweater might remind someone of their mother, and if that mother has died, the feeling that it is wrong to throw it away might be stronger.  In addition, even if someone recognizes that they might not need something right now, it’s sometimes hard to let go of the idea that they might need it if circumstances were to change. This is why you might hold on to cleaning products, office supplies, etc.  Our belongings also feel comfortable and familiar so changing them (or getting rid of them) can feel strange. “We are all creatures of habit,” explains Hardy. “So we naturally gravitate towards our own levels of comfort [and] to the extreme, this can cause us to hold on to items well past their expiration.”