We take more than eight million breaths per year—why is it so hard to get a deep one? And just what is a deep breath? Learn more about why you should try deep breathing and how to do it.

Types of Breath

You take breaths every moment of the day, but you may not know that there are different types of breathing. In fact, there are four! Here are the four types of breathing:

Deep Breathing Benefits

There are reasons for each of these types of breathing, but deep breathing is the heavy hitter, with myriad health benefits.

What Deep Breathing Can Help

AnxietyDepressionManaging stress Improving focus Better sleepFaster recovery from exercise or exertion

Why Deep Breathing Helps

You may be wondering why “just” breathing can be so powerful. Slow breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system,also called the “rest and digest” system. Its job is to conserve energy to be used for bodily processes such as digestion and urination. Deep breathing also activates the vagus nerve, which is like the boss of the parasympathetic nervous system, overseeing things like mood, digestion, and heart rate. It will also send more oxygen to your brain and other organs. Take a minute and check in with yourself before you start a deep breathing exercise to see how you feel, and then compare it with how you feel afterward.

How to Do Deep Breathing

There are many different ways or exercises, but here are a few. An added benefit is that they are all repetitive in nature, which will also help you reach a meditative state. 

Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you’re not familiar with the diaphragm, it’s a small muscle right below your lungs. If you’re breathing “correctly,” it will contract and move downward so that your lungs can expand to take in fresh air. Upon exhalation, the opposite happens; it relaxes and slides further up your chest cavity. To engage in diaphragmatic breathing:

4-7-8 Breathing

With this kind of breathing, you will breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven, and exhale for eight:

Tips and Tricks

Below are some tips and tricks to try as you practice deep breathing techniques.

Make Time for Deep Breathing

It may sound silly to you to set an alarm or timer to breathe, but it can help you ensure that you are getting these great deep breathing benefits regularly. Instead of rolling over and grabbing your phone when your alarm goes off, try for a few rounds of these breathing exercises.

Do It Prior to and During High-Stress Situations

Practice deep breathing exercises when you don’t necessarily need them at first so that when you are feeling stressed and could benefit from it in the moment, you are already an expert at the type of deep breathing you want to utilize. You don’t want to try deep breathing for the first time when you are in a high stress state. You probably have places or situations that you know are likely to stress you out—like standing in line at the grocery store or getting stuck in traffic. Once you’ve mastered deep breathing, take a minute to treat your brain to that sweet, sweet oxygen before the situation escalates.

Apps for Deep Breathing

If you’re the kind of person that doesn’t want to have to remember these techniques and likes to be led, there’s an app for that. 


As you might guess, the app iBreathe is all about breathing. It offers you several pre-programmed exercises, an option to customize your own and the ability to send you reminders.

Breathe+ Simple Breath Trainer

If you are a person who has trouble focusing when deep breathing, you will enjoy Breathe+ Simple Breath Trainer. It syncs with your breathing so you can see beautiful visualizations that correspond with your breath.

Apple Watch Breathe

If you have an Apple Watch, you already have access to a built-in breathing app, literally called Breathe. The app will check in with you and prompt you to take a one-minute breathing break, guiding you when to inhale and when to exhale.

A Word From Verywell

Deep breathing can benefit many people, but it is only one tool in your mental health toolbox. If you’re not getting the deep breathing benefits you’d hoped for, don’t be discouraged. Keep practicing as with anything new, it may take some time. Consider other tools that you have in your mental health toolbox. If your anxiety remains severe or gets worse, consider talking to a mental health professional.