Not only do these websites and forums equip you with knowledge of what to expect when you quit smoking and provide guidance for the best smoking cessation methodologies, but many also have networks of everyday people to help hold you accountable even when things get rough.

Informational Resources for Smoking Cessation

Consider these online informational resources a rich portal of advice, guidance, and knowledge. This information is often put together in the form of articles, but each of the resources below also provide hotlines and chatlines for real-time support.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

The NCI’s is an information portal with one primary intention: to provide resources that will help either you or someone you love quit smoking and stay smoke-free. provides the tools and tips to help you quit smoking, outlines the kinds of challenges you might experience when trying to quit, and offers advice for helping you stay smoke free once you’ve successfully quit. In addition to the online website, also provides free texting programs with 24/7 support, as well as apps (QuitGuide and quitSTART) that you can download to your phone.

American Lung Association: Lung Helpline and Tobacco Quitline

The American Lung Association’s Lung Helpline and Tobacco Quitline is staffed by a network of nurses and respiratory therapists who help people better understand lungs, lung health, and lung disease. The Tobacco Quitline provides users with help to quit using all forms of tobacco, including e-cigarettes and vape pens, chewing tobacco, and snuff. They provide a free hotline (call 1-800-586-4872 and press 2) where you can speak with someone directly, as well as a chat service on their website. 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Be Tobacco Free

Be Tobacco Free is a content hub provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Their goal is to make smoking cessation an easier process by connecting people to different tools that aid in quitting. Those include phone apps, which offer help based on your unique smoking patterns, moods, and motivation to quit, as well as a “Speak to an Expert” service, which allows you to talk to an expert via online chat or phone.

Digital Programs to Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking cessation programs provide a concrete set of actions to guide you through your journey. If you’re feeling like you don’t know where to start, a program is a great option.

American Cancer Society: Quit for Life

Quit For Life is a smoking cessation program developed by the American Cancer Society. The program, which uses proven techniques tested over the last three decades, connects individuals with one-on-one support to help them overcome urges, manage withdrawal symptoms, and adjust existing habits. Once registered, you’ll receive a welcome kit, access to their Action Plan website to help you track your progress, a designated Quit Coach that you can speak with on the phone, and medications that can help you quit. The program is covered by many health insurance plans and participating employers. If you have neither, they do provide alternatives, such as state-funded programs.

Become an Ex

Become an Ex is a free smoking cessation program that provides you with a customized quit plan that learns and grows with you through your journey. It also provides text message support, interactive guides and tools, and expert advice and tips from the Mayo Clinic. In addition, you’ll have access to a supportive EX community full of real tobacco users who are just starting to quit, in the middle of quitting, or have come out on the other side of their addiction.  

Online Forums to Support Smoking Cessation

An online forum is a place where others who are also trying to quit smoking (or already have) come together in a non-judgmental digital space. The goal is to share your experience, your trials, your errors, and your successes. It’s also a place where you can encourage others.

Delphi: Smoking Cessation Forum

Delphi is a free online forum with a simple, easy-to-use, easy-to-follow interface. You do not have to register a username to read the posts, but you must do so if you’d like to participate in conversations. The landing page provides a thorough welcome note to get you started. You can also learn more about the Delphi forum host here, including her own journey toward a smoke-free life.

Reddit: Stop Smoking Forum

Reddit is a free social media website that has many “subreddits” that target specific interests. The StopSmoking subreddit is dedicated to those who wish to tackle their smoking addiction. Over 120,00 members are subscribed, and the forum is active. The community welcomes “anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit.” You do not need to register a username to view the forum, but you will need to do so if you want to comment or create posts.

Facebook: Quit Smoking Cigarettes Support Group

The Quit Smoking Cigarettes Support Group is a free online forum located on the Facebook platform. It has a community of roughly 30,000 members. Though the name refers to quitting cigarettes, the community is open to anyone trying to quit smoking or a nicotine habit in general. The forum’s goal is to provide a welcoming space and to provide support and encouragement to others on their journey. It is a private group, so once registered on Facebook you will need to request to join and agree to the rules.

A Word From Verywell

Making the decision to quit smoking is a huge step. Like any other lifestyle change, the process will include ups and downs. Having access to resources and utilizing them regularly—especially when you’re in one of those ruts—can be pivotal in your success. Once you’ve overcome your smoking addiction, you might even wish to stay engaged in forums to help others.