When that late night phone call comes from a child who’s freaking out, the last thing they want to hear is a lecture on the importance of doing your homework and planning ahead. Instead, here’s a list of things you can advise that may offer immediate relief:


Cutting back on sleep may seem like a good way to sneak in a few more hours for exam cramming, but missing even a few hours of sleep two or more nights in a row can result in sleep deprivation. Concentration drops, memory function is impaired, and the brain turns foggy and sluggish – hardly the optimal conditions for studying. So tell your frantic child to set the alarm for 7 a.m., plan on doing some hardcore – and vastly refreshed – studying then and get some sleep now.

Make a List

If thoughts are racing through your child’s brain with such velocity that he can’t sleep, tell him to make a list. We’d all love to have a Pensieve, the magical basin Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore used to hold memories and thoughts when they threatened to overwhelm his brain, but a to-do list works nearly as well.

Eat Well

Brains need nourishment. Eating a balanced diet that’s heavy in protein and complex carbohydrates, as opposed to donuts, beer, and someone else’s Ritalin, makes a huge difference in one’s body’s ability to cope with stress and perform well. Keep that in mind when sending your college child an exam week care package too.


Tell him to work on the most critical or difficult courses or projects first, when his brain is fresh. Too much work? Tell him to look at his schedule and eliminate the non-essentials. Remind him that the world will not stop if he tanks a test.

Try a Study Group

Studying with a group quells panic. It lets students play to their own strengths, and maximizes and organizes study time. Plus, the companionship helps soothe frayed nerves.

Take Breaks

Go for a run, take a nap—but no more than 20 to 30 minutes and no later than mid-afternoon. Make an exam worry doll and let it do the worrying.