What Is Abilify Used to Treat?

Abilify is approved to treat the following health conditions:

Schizophrenia in people age 13 or olderBipolar I disorder in people age 10 or olderMajor depressive disorder in adults (used in combination with another antidepressant when a person does not respond to that single antidepressant)Agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar maniaAgitation associated with autism spectrum disorder in children ages 6 to 17Tourette syndrome in children and adolescents age 6 and older

Common Abilify Side Effects

In adults, common side effects include:

Akathisia Anxiety Blurred vision Constipation Dizziness Fatigue Headache Insomnia Nausea

Side effects in children are similar, with the addition of nose congestion, drooling, and changes in appetite.

Potential Serious Abilify Side Effects

Abilify may cause serious side effects, like:

Change in cholesterol levels Difficulty swallowing Increase in blood sugar Leukopenia, neutropenia, and agranulocytosis, which cause severe and dangerous decreases in white blood cell count, have also been reported and are potentially fatal Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which is a potentially fatal complication characterized by symptoms like high fever, rigid muscles, and rapid swings in blood pressure Orthostatic hypotension, or feeling lightheaded when moving from a ​lying or sitting position to a standing position too quickly, due to a drop in blood pressure Seizures Tardive dyskinesia, which is a disorder that causes uncontrolled facial and other movements Weight gain

Impulse-control problems including pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, and compulsive eating may also occur. In such cases, your prescribing doctor may recommend reducing your dose or discontinuing the medication. 

Helpful Tips When Taking Abilify

Speak to your prescribing doctor right away if you are planning on getting pregnant or are pregnant. Animal studies suggest that Abilify may be harmful to the fetus, but it’s not clear if that risk applies to humans. Your doctor can help you determine whether the benefits of taking Abilify outweigh any potential problems. Furthermore:

Never stop taking Abilify or change its dosage without first consulting with your healthcare provider.Be sure to notify your doctor of all your medications, as your dose of Abilify may need to be changed based on this information. Do not drink alcohol while you are taking Abilify.Avoid overheating and dehydration while on Abilify.Abilify may also pass into breast milk, so be sure to discuss your therapy plan if you are breastfeeding or planning on breastfeeding.

Two Black-Box Warnings on Abilify

Black box warnings are included on medications when they have the potential to cause serious, life-threatening side effects. Abilify carries two black box warnings from the FDA:

Increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis: Abilify is not FDA-approved to treat people with dementia-related psychosis, although it is sometimes used for this purpose. Treating older adults with dementia-related psychosis with an antipsychotic medication puts them at a somewhat increased risk of death. Suicidality and antidepressant drugs: Although it is not an antidepressant, Abilify carries the standard warning that antidepressants may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior in children, adolescents, and young adults.

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