In addition to anxiety, this medication has also been used off-label to manage depression and may be recommended for insomnia treatment. There is little question that Xanax provides relief from anxiety symptoms. However, its addictive properties (particularly of the immediate release form) make Xanax prone to misuse, increasing the risk that people who use it will develop a dependency. The population of people addicted to this medication includes teenagers and adults.  The addictive qualities are very different between the immediate release and the extended release forms of Xanax. According to Verywell Mind Review Board member Dr. John Umhau, “Some addiction medicine specialist physicians believe that an important way to minimize the risk of someone becoming addicted to Xanax is to only use the extended release or long-acting formulation of the drug.” Xanax addiction can lead to negative consequences for health and well-being. This guide will examine the effects of this habit, as well as signs to look out for when Xanax dependency is suspected. Read on to learn the best ways to manage and overcome this addiction to ensure normal daily functioning.

What Are the Effects of Xanax?

Xanax is a benzodiazepine, a class of drugs that help to reduce activity in the brain. This medication interacts with GABA receptors in the brain, increasing their effects. By boosting this chemical, nerve activity is reduced in the brain which produces a calming effect throughout the body. Xanax, otherwise known as “xannies,” “handlebars,” “ladders,” or “sticks” is available in a number of shapes and colors that depict each pill’s strength. Available in 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, and 1 mg strengths, these dosages are represented in white, orange, and blue pills respectively, and are oval-shaped. Xanax is also available in rectangular 2 mg doses, with colors ranging from white, green, and yellow. Xanax is also available as a liquid solution. Like other benzodiazepines (commonly called “benzos”), Xanax produces a dopamine surge which may be responsible for its addictive properties. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been described as a pleasure chemical. This can produce a high that is enjoyed and repeatedly chased by users, encouraging this medication to be abused. There are two forms of Xanax: the short-acting or immediate release form and the long-acting or extended release form. The short-acting form has a rapid absorption rate and a short half-life, both of which contribute to the medication’s potential to be misused. The body metabolizes short-acting alprazolam quickly and the medication’s effects last a short period of time, especially when compared to other benzodiazepines such as diazepam. Some people may take more short-acting Xanax than prescribed to continuously feel its effects. The long-acting form, on the other hand, may be less addictive when taken as prescribed.

Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

A dosage of 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg of Xanax three times a day of often recommended to treat anxiety. It is not recommended that a person using Xanax to treat anxiety exceeds 4 mg per day. For panic attacks, a dose of 6 mg to 10 mg is often recommended. However, when a person develops a dependency, they often ignore the recommended dosage of this medication. People will sometimes consume excessive amounts to achieve the desired high.  When a person uses excessive amounts, they may become addicted to Xanax for everyday functioning. Xanax addiction may become evident in the following ways:

Garbled speechUnfocused visionDrowsinessDry mouthSleeping for extended periodsDifficulty concentratingNauseaHeadachesFatigueHallucinations

It’s normal for a person with a dependency on Xanax to begin doctor shopping for access to extra pills. The effects of this drug can affect a person’s ability to continue with work, school, and everyday activities. Xanax addiction can cause financial strain, as considerable amounts will be spent to acquire the medication. Someone is likely to amplify the high of this medication by combining it with substances like alcohol and opioids. This worsens the dangers posed, and may lead to respiratory difficulties, unconsciousness, and even death.

Xanax Addiction Treatment

When a person comes to terms with the dangers of their Xanax dependency, discontinuing use by going cold turkey can cause more harm than good. This is because the body has adapted to the effects of this medication, and may be prone to withdrawal symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, panic attacks, worsened anxiety, weight loss, and even suicidal thoughts.  For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. In addition, a patient may confuse their withdrawal-related anxiety with the reemergence of the anxiety they were initially treating by taking Xanax. This can trap people in the cycle of addiction as they mistakenly continue taking Xanax to treat the withdrawal symptom. To safely treat Xanax addiction, the following methods are often effective.


To get the body safely used to reduced concentrations of Xanax, an effective measure to take is tapering. Sometimes people will taper off their dose of alprazolam gradually by dissolving a Xanax tablet in a large glass of water. Each day, they use less and less of the tablet until they aren’t using it at all. To ensure that this is done correctly, tapering should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor or a drug addiction treatment center.


While Xanax works quickly to manage symptoms of anxiety and other related ailments, it is a drug that is rapidly cleared out of the body. This result can cause the repeated use of Xanax throughout the day, increasing the chances of developing a dependency. This tends to worsen withdrawal symptoms when you’re in the process of lessening your intake of the drug. Substitution may be practiced in conjunction with tapering to manage Xanax addiction.


When a person misuses Xanax, there’s a chance a number of triggers are responsible for the decision. Therapy approaches such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help to identify these triggers while exploring healthier alternatives to manage them. CBT can also teach ways to avoid relapsing into Xanax usage, healthy tactics to cope with life stressors, and effective ways to handle relationships and interactions with others.

A Word From Verywell

Xanax may provide much-needed relief from anxiety. However, its continuous use can become a slippery slope that leads to dependency. Xanax addiction is a common result of using this medication, but this effect can be managed using the right measures. To ensure that the right steps are taken when getting this addiction under control, it is always advisable to first consult an expert.